Get Involved

You can make a difference in the lives of people living with PFS

Help create a world without PFS by getting involved in the way that best suits YOU! When you fundraise with friends and family you take us closer to discovering a cure.

Everyday someone unlucky takes an anti hairloss Drug and gets PFS.

This fatal disease can strike anyone at any time. It takes away the freedom to think, to talk, to engage in physical activity, to have a job and social life. To laugh. To hug. To eat. To sleep. TO FEEL. We fight to empower people to live their life to the fullest. 

Your gift today will help find a cure for PFS,  by providing resources for further research. For your convenience you can also give by mail or by writing us on Whatsapp +491786952023.

Make Direct Donation With Payroll Deduction

We are seeking donors for upcoming research studies

Donations are used for to contribute to research projects toward PFS understanding. 

Report Your Side Effects

Notify the pharmacovigilance

Insitutions as FDA, ANSM or NHS are collecting reports of side effects. The more cases are reported the more important our voice will be and the higher the likelihood to receive governmental help. 

Report adverse drug reactions to the institution of your country. 

Read Stories & share yours

Do not wait to connect and share your story

Read patient stories & contribute by sharing your experience. Your story will make a difference.

And check the latest news regarding PFS. 

Spread Awareness

Join us in the fight to spread awareness and push authorities to make PFS an officially recognized rare disease.